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Earthquake drill is Oct. 19 - are you prepared for the real thing?

The OIC is participating along with 1.2 million others in the Great Washington Shakeout statewide earthquake drill on Oct. 19. Washington state is no stranger to earthquakes, and the preparedness of our region has been a topic of much discussion in the media as of late.

Did you know?
  • In most cases, earthquake insurance has to be purchased separately. Check your policy to see if you are covered. Earthquake insurance is not covered by most homeowner policies and most insurers will suspend selling policies after a quake. 
  • Nonstructural failures have accounted for the majority of earthquake damage. This includes windows, partitions, veneers, piping, false ceilings, HVAC, elevators, computers, file cabinets, plumbing fixtures, etc.
Here are some tips to prepare for an earthquake:
  • Check your work area and home. Are bookshelves, dressers, china cabinets secured? If they fall over, they could block your only way out, leaving you trapped until someone can find you and rescue you.
  • Do you know where and how to turn off the water, gas, and electricity to your home?
  • Washington Emergency Management (EMD) is recommending that households have supplies to survive on their own for two weeks. FEMA’s page and the Washington EMD preparedness page has lists, plans, and other resources for preparing your home, family, car, and pets.

Five insurance considerations for the new year

The start of a new year is a natural time to re-evaluate your insurance coverage needs. Changing circumstances may require updated policies. Did you have a baby? Get married? Purchase a new home or car? If so, you'll want to check whether you have the right protection.

Your agent or company can help determine whether your coverage is adequate or if you might need to make adjustments. Even if you haven't experienced a life-changing event, you could be eligible for discounts or new insurance products that may better serve your needs.

1. Life insurance 
Changes–such as a birth, divorce, remarriage or even a new mortgage or new job–are indicators that you might need to make changes to your life insurance policy.

Read your policy carefully and answer these questions:
  • Do premiums or benefits vary from year to year?
  • Do the total benefits grow over time?
  • Are there benefits that are not guaranteed?
  • Do premiums change over time?
  • What happens if I quit paying premiums – do I maintain some of the benefits?
  • Are there any impacts associated with interest earned on the policy?
  • In what situations and through what procedures can you assess cash values?
  • Can the policy be converted into another form of insurance or annuity?
In the case of the birth of a child or a new marriage, you may want to consider increasing your death benefit. Check with your agent to see if your insurance company requires a physical exam before increasing your coverage levels.

Alternatively, paying off your mortgage, retirement or children finishing college might mean that you can lower your life insurance coverage and premiums. Ask your life insurance company whether you have the option of "conversion privileges" from your current term life insurance policy to a new whole life insurance policy. You may also be able to expand your death benefit so it can be used while you are still living.

2. Homeowner or renter insurance 
In 2017, we witnessed a significant number of natural disasters. If you live in an area prone to floods, earthquakes or wildfires, you should make sure you're properly covered. These disasters can be costly and may not be covered under a standard policy. Discuss the possibility of adding coverage for these perils with your agent or insurance company.

The start of a new year is a good time to update your home inventory and make sure your homeowner or renter policy is up-to-date. Take photos or video of your possessions and remember to note valuable antiques, artwork or jewelry. You can create a home inventory from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC's) free smartphone app, myHOME, which you can download from iTunes or Google Play. You can also print a paper version of your home inventory.

Remember to add any new expensive or sizable gifts to your home inventory. Include as many details as you can and take photos of each item. Most basic home insurance policies have standard limits for big-ticket items like electronics, art, jewelry or sporting equipment. You may need special coverage, so call your agent to discuss changes for your policy.

3. Auto insurance 

Have you had any changes to your driving habits or the vehicles that you drive? If so, contact your agent to ensure your auto policy will cover you in case of an accident.
  • Liability insurance is the part of the policy that pays for any injury or damage if you cause an accident. If your liability insurance is too low, you may be legally exposed for any damages above your liability limits.
  • Review your deductibles for comprehensive and collision coverage. This is the amount you will pay if your car is damaged or totaled without fault of another driver. Raising or lowering this amount can affect your premium.
  • Make sure you have a copy of your insurance card and your insurance agent or company's number in your vehicle at all times.
  • If you are in a collision, you should accurately record the details. The NAIC app WreckCheck, which you can download from iTunes or Google Play, assists you through the process of gathering information following an accident. It allows you to easily email your notes directly to your agent to assist with the claims process.  
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4. Health insurance 
You may have recently enrolled or changed your health insurance through your employer, Medicare or your state exchange. Make sure you have new insurance cards and paperwork before you visit a doctor.
  • Check your policy's provider lists to make sure visits to your doctor and any specialists are still covered by your policy, as in-network or preferred provider lists change from year to year.
  • Read through your documents and make note of co-pays for in-network and out-of-network providers to avoid surprises.
  • If you're planning a vacation, check with your insurance carrier to identify urgent care centers and hospitals that accept your insurance coverage. Ask your carrier about applicable co-pays and deductibles if care is needed. Here's an explanation of health insurance terms you may find on your paperwork.
5. Protect yourself from identity theft and fraud  
The Equifax data breach in 2017 exposed the personal information of more than 145 million people. A data breach can potentially expose a consumer's data, putting them at risk for identity theft or other fraudulent activity. Here are some things you can do to protect your identity:
  • Don't give out any personal information–including your social security number or bank information–over the phone. 
  • Consider purchasing identity theft insurance. Several companies offer identity theft insurance, which generally costs between $25 and $60 per year. 
  • When you purchase an insurance policy: 
    • Ask for copies of everything you sign and keep a copy of the initial policy payment receipt or check you gave the agent or company.
    • Call the insurance company if you don't receive a copy of the insurance policy outlining your coverage and its limitations within 30 days of your purchase.
  • The best way to protect yourself from insurance fraud is to research the agent and company you're considering on the OIC's website. 
More information 
Find more information about your insurance needs and tips for choosing the coverage that is best for you and your family at If you have questions about your insurance options or about your insurance coverage, visit the OIC's website at


Many car insurance companies offer cheapest car insurance, but their coverage is poor or limited. Don’t fall for it. Try to find exactly the low cost cheap car insurance with maximum coverage from cheap car insurance companies.

Lowest priced car insurance doesn't mean the cheapest car insurance all the time. When you are going to compare car insurance rates from different car insurance companies, you will see all the companies say the same about the liability, service quality, car insurance coverage and reputation. That time you have to rely on the customers rating, customers testimonial and information from independent rating companies.

In competitive market, the price can be determined by several factors and by market demand and supply is the common factor. It’s easy to find cheapest car insurance if they drivers take little time to research online and compare car insurance quotes. The rule of internet is not to buy anything at a glance. If you request auto insurance rates from one auto insurance company and buy from it, you may not get the cheapest auto insurance for sure. Request car insurance quotes from at least 5 auto insurance companies in your state, compare these quotes together and you will find out the cheapest auto insurance policy and cheapest car insurance company.

Car drivers who don’t finance their cars require to buy basic liability policy, but the lenders should buy more then basic liability insurance policy because lenders have more responsibility to the car then the drivers. The auto drivers should consider few things when they decide to buy cheapest auto insurance from cheapest auto insurance companies.

Getting basic liability policy doesn't cover all the liability occurred buy the drivers and if the state doesn't pay the drivers have to pay personally. It seems in many cases people lost their mortgages and homes because of accidents to third parties which doesn't covered by the car insurance companies. That’s why the car drivers must be very clear about buying car insurance and also should consider from whom they purchase the car insurance policy.

The basic liability insurance doesn't pay for the repair or replacement of the car because of accidents, but liability insurance might pay for the medical expense to the car drivers or the third parties. Be careful about the accident if you buy basic liability insurance policy unless you may face the tremendous costs.

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How To Get The Cheapest Car Insurance

How to get the cheapest car insurance rates? This is the first question comes to mind to the new car drivers, young car drivers or students drivers who have lower income. In this article I will discuss several techniques to find low cost and cheap car insurance rates.
e industry is in the cash cow that every year there are billions of dollars spin around the economy. High income people like business persons, entrepreneurs, lawyers and doctors can insure their car or cars with high premium, but that not our concerns. Following these ways we my find which car insurance company offer the cheapest car insurance rates and to whom they prefer to be insured.

There are few things car drivers should clear. According to the law when you buy a new car, you have to purchase a liability insurance and liability insurance covers only damages occur because of accidents. Another types of car insurance coverage is called comprehensive car insurance policy which cover theft of car and repair if necessary. As you can see there are other car insurance policies which have different coverage, to find the cheapest car insurance among them, car drivers have to check carefully which policy covers what and which will be fulfill your requirements.

Which car Insurance Company Offers The Cheapest car Insurance Rates?

The answer is not direct because one can’t say easily which company provide cheap car insurancebecause all companies car insurance policies are not same. Car insurance policies’ rates differ according to the policy. Every car insurance companydesigns their insurance policy with various insurance features and coverage, so drivers may not find similar insurance policy in two companies. GEICO offers cheap car insurance in some extent and Progressive car insurance company also provides cheap and affordable car insurance coverage. How much money you can save from them? The exact figure also varies and the better thing is to visit to their website and get car insurance quotes to estimate how much money can be saved and how cheap their rates can be. Cheap car insurance quotes varies from $50 to $70 based on the coverage and also few states have minimum limits of liability insurance, so check what’s the minimum liability policy limit in your state.

How To Get The Cheapest Car Insurance Rates?

There are two way new drivers can get the cheapest car insurance rates; specialized website and direct visiting to the car insurance companies. There are few websites which have enormous database containing car insurance information of many companies and when you fill up you documents and requirements, they will generate car insurance quotes from different car insurance companies. From the quotes you can easily select the cheapest car insurance.
 To find cheap car insurance you may visit specialized car insurance website. It’s little bit time consuming. But doing this you will find other extra features like additional services, reputation and customer feedback about their service quality.

Another way to get the top rated auto insurance is to check on the forums. There are several famous auto insurance forums where people discuss about car insurance companies and auto insurance issues. You can join the forums, post few top auto insurance companies and ask the members to rate them. The members from their personal experience and dealing with auto insurance companies can give the rating and you can select the top rated auto insurance companies easily. It’s the easiest way to get the best auto insurance companies

Getting the cheap car insurance rates doesn't mean actual worth cheap car insurance rates because when you compare  car insurance quotes onlinemay find some car insurance rates cheap but which will not cover all the requirements you need. So find the cheapest car insurance rates online which has full coverage and you can be well protected.

Pentingnya Alat Safety Bagi Perusahaan

Pentingnya Alat Safety Bagi Perusahaan,Sesuai dengan Permen No 08/Men/VII2010 yang dikeluarkan oleh Departemen Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi, setiap perusahaan pada dasarnya wajib menyediakan beragam alat keselamatan kerja bagi keamanan dan kelancaran kinerja para karyawannya. Namun demikian, ada beberapa hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan sebelum pengadaan alat safety bagi perusahaan yang bersangkutan, seperti:
Pentingkah Kita Memakai Alat Safety Ketika Bekerja?

a.             Jumlah pegawai dan divisi yang ada dalam perusahaan dan membutuhkan pengadaan alat safety.
b.            Jenis alat keselamatan yang perlu disediakan dan jumlahnya.
c.             Ukuran alat keselamatan yang disesuaikan dengan postur tubuh pekerja.
d.            Masa pakai yang ditoleransi oleh setiap alat atau dengan kata lain jangka waktu penggunaan alat saat digunakan untuk bekerja.
e.             Pemahaman dari para karyawan perusahaan yang bersangkutan dalam penggunaan alat.
Selain memperhatikan hal-hal diatas, Anda perlu memahami pula jenis maupun manfaat sebenarnya dari beragam alat keselamatan kerja, sebelum memfasilitasi pengadaannya.
Apa itu peralatan K3
Peralatan K3 (keamanan, kesehatan, dan keselamatan) adalah peralatan khusus yang perlu dipakai saat melakukan pekerjaan tertentu dan disesuaikan dengan resiko maupun bahaya yang mungkin didapatkan. Secara umum, pemakaian alat pelindung diri yang berhubungan dengan K3 bertujuan untuk melindungi pekerja yang bersangkutan dari beragam bahaya yang mungkin terjadi selama bekerja, sehingga pekerja tersebut dapat melakukan pekerjaannya dengan aman dan lancar
Jenis alat
Ada beragam jenis alat safety yang selama ini beredar di pasaran dan beberapa diantaranya, yaitu:
a.             Sepatu safety
Alat pengaman yang satu ini sering dijumpai di kawasan pabrik maupun lokasi konstruksi. Tujuan penggunaan sepatu safety antara lain melindungi pemakai sepatu agar tidak mudah terpeleset di area yang licin dan berlumpur, mencegah agar bagian kaki tidak terkontaminasi oleh cairan kimia, benda tajam (paku, pecahan kaca) maupun kemasukan mikroba berbahaya. Komponen yang dipakai untuk membuat sepatu safety secara umum terdiri dari bahan metal, polyester, dan kulit yang menjadikan sepatu ini cukup berat namun aman dipakai.
b.            Safety gloves
Safety gloves yang digunakan untuk keperluan industri umumnya akan berbeda dengan safety gloves yang diperlukan dalam dunia medis. Jika dilihat dari bahan pembuatnya, safety gloves ini diciptakan dengan beragam bahan, seperti karet lateks, kain wool, serta kain mori. Tujuannya adalah meminimalisir kontaminasi bahan berbahaya yang bisa memberikan penyakit atau resiko cacat pada bagian tangan.
c.             Safety helmet
Salah satu jenis alat keselamatan yang banyak dijumpai di area konstruksi asalah safety helmet. Umumnya, alat ini dibuat dengan perpaduan bahan plastik tebal dilengkapi tali pengaman agar saat dipakai, helm tidak mudah lepas. Alat ini berfungsi melindungi bagian kepala dari benturan yang mungkin terjadi saat bekerja.
d.            Ear plug/ ear muff
Pada beberapa area konstruksi maupun pabrik yang memiliki polusi udara tinggi, Anda akan mudah menjumpai alat pelindung diri berupa ear plug ataau ear muff. Namun demikian, bentuk dan ukuran alat keselamatan kerja yang satu ini tentu berbeda dengan ear muff yang umum dipakai untuk menerima telpon atau mendengarkan musik. Alat keselamatan yang satu ini dibuat dengan perpaduan metal dan spons yang bertujuan menahan getaran serta suara bising, sehingga pekerja yang bersangkutan terhindar dari resiko kehilangan pendengaran.
e.             Googles safety
Googles safety adalah alat pelindung yang berfungsi melindungi bagian mata dari beragam bahaya seperti masuknya serpihan logam ke mata atau debu metal. Alat ini umumnya digunakan oleh paara pekerja yang berhubungan dengan industri mekanik (bagian pengelasan) atau industri lainnya.
Metode pembelian
Setelah Anda memahami jenis maupun fungsi dari beragam alat keselamatan, jangan langsung tergiur dengan harga murah pada saat Anda melihat iklan jual alat safety di media cetak maupun online. Saat transaksi, pastikan Anda menanyakan hal-hal berikut pada pihak penjual.
a.             Varian dan seri alat pelindung diri yang disediakan oleh penyedia jasa.
b.            Lokasi penyedia alat keselamatan dan cara transaksi yang paling aman ketika Anda berada di lokasi yang cukup jauh dari lokasi penyedia jasa.
c.             Harga alat safety yang dibutuhkan perusahaan (dalam hitungan pieces) dan bagaimana prosedur pembelian apabila ingin membeli alat keselamatan dalam jumlah yang cukup banyak.
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